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During the programme, visiting researchers will spend 3 months at the University. The chosen visiting researchers are engaged in teaching and research activities in one of the fields of study taught and researched at the University’s faculties or its research centers. The researcher will conduct analysis of a public, social, economic or policy issue affecting Hungary or Central Europe, and propose solutions to that specific issue. During this period, researchers will get acquainted with the teaching and research activities of our University, build personal and professional relationships with people who influence Hungarian public life and overall, they learn about Hungarian history and culture. This period includes participating in regular consultations, professional events, publications and giving lectures.
Through all these experiences, hopefully, they will become goodwill ambassadors for Hungary and Ludovika University.

We invite applications for researchers from the disciplines and fields listed below:

- political science and public administration; comparative law; international economics; political science; public policy; international, regional and European Studies; public diplomacy; international security studies;

- water diplomacy; water policy; water management; water science; water resources management; water security; hydraulic engineering; hydraulic modelling; flood management; hydrobiology; environmental science; conservation; conservation biology;

- comparative European political ideology; democracy and regime change in Central Europe; impact of new technologies on democracy; digitalisation of the economy; industry 4.0; cybersecurity; European territorial cooperation;

- military transport; logistics; critical systems protection; airborne systems; drone technologies; software-defined radio (SDR)-based systems; cyber-physical systems security; malicious code analysis; container and virtualization technologies; alternative reality (XR, VR, AR, MR) technologies; defense planning; operational planning in relation to warfare; Clausewitz and 21st century warfare; warfare; military arts; defense science;

- criminal law; criminal procedure; criminal justice; criminology; criminal psychology; national security; tax and customs administration; private security; disaster management.

Selected visiting researchers will receive an allowance of EUR 1200 per month for the duration of the Programme. In addition to the monthly allowance, they will receive free accommodation in the dormitory of the University and a one-time travel allowance for entering Hungary as well as returning home.

A detailed call for applications is available here

Apply now! Academic year 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Mar 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Mar 2024